Ladies and Gentlemen, presents The Donald. Nooooo, not the duck, although the duck is funny, he does not begin to hold a candle to the presidentially hilarious Trumper himself. Impersonating someone who already flirts with self-parody is not the easiest thing to do, but you will find impersonators that have truly mastered the mogul’s persona to a tee! From that pitch perfect chesty sounding voice to that iconic hair piece that seems to have a personality all its own, these impersonators will have your audience in stiches!
At, you can hire one of our amazingly spot-on Donald Trump Impersonators for your next wedding reception, corporate event, Virtual Conference, mock debate, birthday celebration, seminar, or any other type of event you can think of. Whether you love him or loathe him, Donald Trump’s personality and mannerisms make him almost impossible to resist. No matter which side of the political isle you sit on, you almost have to watch him.
Thus, whether you are a Donald Trump supporter who just wants to shake up your event or you just want everyone to laugh and have a great time, you can find the right Donald Trump impersonator that your guests will absolutely love. Nobody will get your audience going like The Donald and you can find some of the best impersonators around right here on