Makeup Artist

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All artists have their favorite type of canvas; for professional makeup artists, their canvas just happens to be the face: the inspiration of countless poems, a multitude of artwork, and countless songs. Makeup Artists are nothing short of masterful with their makeup application techniques; they have in-depth knowledge of skin types, skin colors, as well as traditional makeup ingredients; and they can appreciate how practices and application techniques must change in order accommodate a specific type of event, an environment, a theme, or a location. At, you will find makeup artists that are some of the most highly skilled, well trained, extremely dedicated, and incredibly talented artists in the industry. Whether it is on-location, on site, or in a studio, the right makeup artist can help you create the transformation you desire. Most professional makeup artists can provide a variety of makeup artistry services for photo shoots, film and video, corporate & editorial shoots, special events, portfolios, weddings, and much much more. Being a professional makeup artist demands a perfectionist type attitude, a steady hand, an eye for detail, creative imagination, and a well-developed sense of color, style, shading, and blending. Discover the right makeup artist for you, right here, right now on